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Rev. Stevy Mathew (Dubai)

Rev. Stevy Mathew (Dubai)



When I came to Sixth Grade after celebrating my birthday I had severe fever with vomiting and convulsions. I was taken from one hospital to another best hospital of Bhopal as my condition worsened. The disease that the doctors diagnosed was Viral Encephalitis, a sort of brain fever. I was unconscious for 14 days and was there in hospital for two and half months. When ninety percent of individuals with this disease don’t get complete healing and they become physically or mentally challenged, God answered the prayer and tears of my mother, sister relatives and friends and gave me a complete healing. My God gives a complete healing not a partial one.

When I came to Ninth grade I received both Water and Holy Spirit Baptism. After this experience of Holy Spirit Baptism, God blessed me and gave me opportunities to be involved in ministry by leading praise and worship. I was the Youth Secretary of my parent church from 1998- 2006.

After my schooling I did my Bachelor of Arts (Psychology Honours) from 2003-2006 in Bhopal. During this time God helped me to be actively involved in work among youths and helped me to be involved in counselling.

After my secular graduation according to God’s guidance I went to Kerala and did Bachelor of Divinity(BD) from Faith Theological Seminary affiliated to Senate of Serampore University from 2006-2010. During that time I was involved in both Youth and Children’s ministry along with leading praise and worship.

After completing BD I went Mohali, Punjab as a faculty in a training center and was also as an Associate Pastor of a church from May 2010 to June 2011. In that church God moulded me and gave me opportunities to enhance the gifts and talents and used me in children’s and youth ministry, translating ministry, and conducting conventions

While continuing my pastoral work God opened a door for me and I got admission for Masters in Theology(M.Th) in SAIACS, Bangalore. As I went to Bangalore for Masters in Theology in Pastoral Theology and Counselling in the year 2011-2013, I had a great desire and passion to be involved in church ministry and I got opportunity to be a pastor of Indian Pentecostal Church(IPC), Vivek Nagar, English Church during the two years of my academic pursuit.

After Graduation of that course I was Associate pastor of a church in Delhi for few months. And then God helped me to get married to a theological graduate, Johncy Johnson. I was Principal of a training center called Sathveda Mission from November 2013 till July 2014. At the same time I was the faculty of an ATA college- “Susamachar Theological College and Seminary” from November 2013 to March 2014.  God blessed me with a baby boy 20th November 2014. But after 5 days my son also went through Open Heart Surgery as he had Pulminary Atretia and Ventricular Septal Disease(VSD). God touched and healed my baby, Nathan Steve Mathew

As per God’s guidance we gradually moved to Bangalore in 2015 as my mother and sister and family were here. Health of my son and proper treatment was the main issue to move to Bangalore.  God gave me an opportunity to be Pastor and Faculty of New Life College for one year.  According to God’s leading I gave the resignation and started pioneering work called as the Immanuel Church. We expect Great things from God and would try to attempt Great things for God. God gave me opportunity to continue teaching ministry in Bethel New Life College for a period of time.

His leading is powerful and we need to obey him in every step of our life. I got guidance to give resignation from full time teaching to focus on Pastoral and church ministry.

God who has led me thus far is able to lead you all in a more mighty way. Just trust in Him and taste and see that He is good forever.

May God richly bless you.

Pastor. Stevy M Mathew