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Contact Info

Regency Park, N. Nagenahalli, Bangalore, India

(+91)90082 04140

[email protected]

About Us

About US

At RUN Fellowship Church, we believe in the power of love, community, and faith. Our church is more than just a place of worship; it's a family where everyone is embraced with open arms.

Our Vision

The fulfilment of the great commandment by loving God and others and the fulfilment of the great commission through the multiplication of disciples

Our Strategy


Our Mission

Our mission is to create a nurturing environment where individuals and families can grow in their relationship with God and with one another. We are committed to spreading the message of love, compassion, and hope to our community and beyond.

How it All Started……

A whispering sound of Holy Spirit was heard to reach the unreached and revive the reached in the ears of Rev. Isac Tharian, Founder of RUN Fellowship Church. That voice was the beginning of the ministry, Revival Unto Nations. By the leading of the Holy Spirit in 2015 RUN Fellowship Church was founded. It started with just three widows and their children. By the grace of God the church grew in quality and quantity. We were able to experience the supernatural hand of God in every aspect of the church and community. God is faithfully guiding us till this day.

Pastors Team

Meet our dedicated pastoral team, committed to shepherding the flock and guiding individuals on their spiritual journey. With a heart for service and a passion for God's word, our leaders are here to support and inspire.